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Journey 4Hope
Journey for Hope

The method

Survivors struggle to lead normal lives

The toll of terror on mental health is undeniable. Survivors who have endured unspeakable trauma and loss – those who buried family and friends, losing everything from their jobs to their homes – are struggling with deep emotional scars. These scars make it impossible for them to resume normal life.
These brave men, women and children are battling depression, sometimes self-medicating, behavioural problems and other symptoms of trauma. We must act now before these symptoms are allowed to take root.
That's where Journey 4Hope comes in.

A transformative expedition

Journey 4Hope curates life-changing expeditions that combine the power of nature with professional treatments, fostering deep healing and personal growth.
Our systematic method is tailored for the needs of trauma survivors. We are carving a pathway to healing for women, teens, familes and all who have experienced trauma. Our comprehensive framework is based on 4 principles, which empower individuals to reclaim their lives and forge a renewed sense of purpose using an integrative approach that includes:

Journey 4Hope

Discover inner strengths

Journey for Hope

Build supportive relationships

Journey for Hope

Harness the healing power of nature

Journey 4Hope

Provide physical and emotional safety

Journey 4Hope uses a unique method, developed from a current program that supports IDF soldiers, terror survivors and first responders. Our method has proven to successfully heal trauma survivors, giving new tools and a strong community to thousands so they may rise again. 
Our seven-day journeys are designed for participants who share a similar trauma experience, allowing for deep exploration and shared healing. From beginning to end, it’s both a group and personal process. The journey allows participants to rediscover their resilience, draw on inner strength, master new coping skills and lean on shared experience in group talks. Journeys have been structured to answer the unique needs of those who need emergency psychological help and intervention. 

A year's worth of therapy in 7 days!

We are ready with a team of volunteer doctors, psychotherapists, social leaders and guides, ready to lead and help this community each step of the way to recovery.

Journey for Hope

Your donation will help survivors of war and terrorism pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. 

Journey for Hope

    Journey 4 Hope is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit

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